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TRICO Volunteers for PAWS Benefit

Apr 15, 2021 | Affiliates & Community, News

trico team wearing masks

TRICO crew volunteers for the Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Wild Night 2020 A BENEFIT FOR ANIMALS one-of-a-kind auction item “Garden Makeover”.
Work included: plant pickup and delivery, soil placement, planting of plants, spreading of mulch, and enjoying some sun and fun.

Pictured left to right: Taryn Solie, Office Intern; Aaron Macauley, Carpenter Apprentice; Don Gordon, IT Manager; Heidi Walther, Heidi Walther Garden Design; John Heenan, Carpenter; Rachel Thorn, Homeowner; Monica Pavlovich, Accounting Manager; Bristal Johnson, Project Coordinator; Leah Medici, Accounting Assistant
Not pictured but integral in success of the day: TRICO’s John VanValkenburg, Equipment Manager; Rylee Gunderson, Shop Assistant; Mark Knudson, Superintendent; Robyn Tokunaga, Business & Operations Support Coordinator